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“Every day, in every corner of the UK, people have amazing experiences at iconic events. They can do so because NOEA members create the infrastructure, the formats and the ideas that allow them to do so.”
So said Susan Tanner, CEO of NOEA (the National Outdoor Events Association) ahead of this year’s NOEA Awards, held at Bath’s historic Pump Room, where KRS won the Event Supplier of the Year Award.
As you might expect, we were really excited to win. What you might not expect, is why.
One for the team
We don’t enter many awards. Rather than look back, we’ve tended to push on. There’s always another project to tackle, another challenge to overcome. A decade ago, that felt like the right thing to do. But then, a decade ago, we didn’t have a crew of hundreds, with multiple teams preparing multiple events (often on the same day) across several genres (TV, live events, conference etc) in every part of the UK and ROI.
That takes a huge amount of effort on the part of every member of the team, and we gradually came to realise that focusing on the next challenge is all well and good – but there should always be a brief moment to reflect on, learn from, and celebrate a job well done.
So thank you to the NOEA for recognising the lengths we go to to make every event a success. And thank you to our crews, for being the people who make events – and awards – happen.